Remember the teacher or mentor who made a difference in your life?
You can be that important person in someone else's life.
Help adults achieve their dreams with determination. Almost all of our local adult literacy programs rely on volunteer instructors and tutors to help reach the adults who take that first step to find help. Many classes have waiting lists, which means an eager student must delay preparing for the High School Equivalency (GED) test, improving their English skills, or reading their first book for another day. By becoming a volunteer, you ensure that an adult can start today.
If you have questions regarding the application process, contact our office.
Application Process
Discuss Volunteer Opportunities with Coalition Staff
Consider Suggested Programs

Share your love for volunteering and literacy on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Click to view our online community.
Find the Right Volunteer Opportunity
If being a literacy tutor does not sound right for you at this time, there are other ways you can get involved. You'll meet other committed people, have fun, and make a lasting, immediate difference in people's lives.
We'll find an opportunity that fits your interests and time constraints. Options include, but are not limited to, assistance with childcare, preparing and serving snacks or meals for students, welcoming and registering students before class, marketing and student outreach, helping with student records and filing, translating classroom materials, and helping with special events.
Fill out a volunteer application to get started right away. If you have questions, call our office and ask to speak to the executive director for more information: 817-870-0082.
Literacy Volunteering is Reading...and So Much More
Have a special skill and want to help improve literacy in an innovative way?
Offering pro-bono services can allow the Coalition to reach it's goals even faster. As a small organization with a big mission, you can help provide the expertise and talent to improve our ability to increase the quantity and improve the quality of literacy services. Our volunteer board of directors is made up of individuals from local business and industry, as well as education and social services. If you are interested in learning more about getting involved with our board, contact us today.
Contact the Coalition for more opportunities.