From Autopsy to Advocacy: A Review of HiSET Data, Creating a Case for Advocacy, & Tips for a Path Forward After August 31
Nearly 3.275 million Texas adults lack a high school diploma. After August 31, 2021, these Texans will lose the choice to select which HSE exam will give them the chance to break cycles of generational poverty and earn the certificate that will open the door to opportunity to employment and familial stability and bonds.
Whether you consider the billions of dollars in wages and taxes lost due to unemployment, the billions of dollars to be saved and decreased recidivism in our state prisons, or middle and high school dropouts that are outpacing HSE graduates almost 2:1, Texas cannot afford to return to an HSE exam monopolization and disenfranchise thousands of current and future learners.
Join Wes Young as he details shocking data about trends in Texas, HiSET numbers and comparisons to the GED exam, and what options are available to learner you may be working with now and after the test leaves at the end of this month.
As always, PD credit (other) is available for this session, and certificates will be provided. We hope you'll join to learn more about what ALL of us can do to speak up for those who's voices are not heard.