First Friday Forum: A Brief overview of the US Immigration and Citizenship System
The immigration process and the US Citizenship exam have changed considerably in the last few years. Different administrations enact differing policies, and for teachers working in adult education, these constantly changing policies can be confusing and finding appropriate resources to serve ESL and Citizenship students can be equally confusing.
What is the status of DACA? What is the 2020 Citizenship test, or the 2008 Citizenship test and which one is taken? What is required it receive a permanent resident card? What kinds of fees need to be paid, and are their any options available for those who can't afford the fees? These are but a few frequently asked questions that make a big difference in the lives of our immigration population.
This month, you'll receive answers to these questions and so much more. Join Xergio Chacin, Director of Immigration Services for Catholic Charities of Fort Worth, as he provides a brief overview of how people immigrate into the US, and how they become US citizens. He will also discuss the current state of the field of Immigration, and the most recent changes that affect those students who you are more likely to come across in your ESL classes or ministries. Lastly, Xergio will share resources that can be used with learners in and out of the classroom.
Registration for this class will open on May 7, and is completely free. Professional Development certificates will be provided to attendees who need them. We hope you can join us!