Literacy ConneXus Spring Symposium: Response 2 Refugees
Our Coalition partner, Literacy Connexus, is proud to announce that our 2021 Spring Symposium will be on May 1st! Our Response 2 Refugee program will be our first big event of the year and we are excited to invite you to come. This day will be a free-of-charge learning and training event with some amazing speakers.
Why is Literacy Connexus focusing on refugees?
Recent action on the part of the U.S. Government will lead to a dramatic rise in refugee resettlement in the United States. As a recent article in the Baptist Standard indicates, a major effort will be needed on the part of the refugee serving agencies to rebuild capacity.
Churches in the United States have played a key role in providing hospitality to refugees for more than sixty years. To be prepared for the coming wave of refugees, churches also need to rebuild capacity. Refugees have participated in English classes in many church-based programs. Additionally, churches have helped refugees find employment, furniture, and apartments.
What is the goal of this symposium?
Literacy ConneXus's first and largest goal is to help churches in the seven Texas cities that have typically resettled the most refugees: Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. We want to increase the ability to understand the uniqueness of refugee populations while increasing the capacity for English and citizenship classes.
Stay tuned for information about presentations and when registration opens!