In the Spirit of Collaboration
Mahalia Baldini of the Texas Workforce Commission will lead a panel of subject matter experts from the field of nonprofit literacy providers and federally-funded AEL literacy providers on collaborations between the two for mutually beneficial referrals that promote student success, regardless of which door they enter through!
Panelists include Jauneen Maldonado (Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County), Wes Young (Tarrant Literacy Coalition), Federico Salas-Isnardi (Mayor's Office on Adult Literacy, Houston), and Melanie Fisk (BakerRipley) will share how collaboration can help reach more students, reduce barriers, and overcome a mindset of "competition for the same pool of adult learners."
This event is perfect for nonprofit organization staff who are interested in reaching more clients and showing their extra value to their federally-funded counterparts.
This event is free, and registration is open now through the TCALL TRAIN PD Portal or through the Literacy Texas website (both links provided here. Professional Development credit will be offered in the "Other" category.