First Friday Forum (April): MyPlate and Meal Planning
*April 2 is the Good Friday holiday, so we'll be holding our First Friday Forum at the end of March*
Eating nutritiously and keeping a healthful mindset can be difficult for most of us in the best of times. When you add in a global pandemic that adds additional stress and less disposable income, you may have noticed that your students (or even you?) find the Siren's song of that convenient fast food restaurant much more appealing than a trip to the grocery store and a the time spent at the stove. However, the effects of eating poorly have a long reach, and the money saved now won't equal the health and medical costs decades or years later.
So what are some easy, practical tips and practices that can be used during these difficult times? Join our special guest presenter Tiffany Lankford, Dietetic Technician and Better Living for Texans Agent for the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service here in Fort Worth, as she shares tactics for incorporating health and nutrition skills into your literacy curricula and even techniques for improving cooking skills.
Goals for this session include:
- Improving abilities to cook nutritious meals
- Finding ways to add and eat more fruits and vegetables as part of a daily diet
- Incorporating at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day consistently
- Increasing the number of meal plans in advance
Whether it is part of your New Year's Resolutions or a desire to just improve mindfulness and health in yourself and your adult learners, you are sure to learn something new!
As always, this Forum is free, and teachers requiring Professional Development will receive a certificate of participation.
Join us March 26th from 9:00AM - 10:30AM!