First Friday Forum Series: Marketing Yourself Through Emotional Intelligence
First Friday Forums are back! And while we may not all feel comfortable enough to return to in-person classes, and while we might be feeling web meeting fatigue, TLC promises to bring you a slate of highly valuable, engaging, and useful subjects that will take those virtual blues away...
Kicking off our 2021 season is Randy Saleh, Assistant Professor of Business with Tarrant County College NE. His session: "Marketing Yourself Through Emotional Intelligence" is a topic of interest to not only adult education students thinking about future job applications, but for anyone who has been affected by the pandemic and are scrambling to find ways to stand out over the competition. In this session, you'll be able to discover the critical role emotional intelligence (E.I.) plays in career success. You'll learn about the five components of E.I. and how they could carry more weight than other workplace skills and abilities.
As always, these forums are still free, and teachers requiring Professional Development will receive a certificate of participation.
Join us February 5th from 9:00AM - 10:30AM!