More than eight million Texans are unable to read and write. Texas ranks 47th nationwide in literacy. Literacy was one of the critical social services that tumbled during the COVID-Slide but this unique fundraiser will provide critical support to Tarrant Literacy Coalition and other nonprofits working with adult students across the state.
We are pleased to bring you a night of entertainment and laughter by joining forces with our emcee, KERA’s Krys Boyd, host of the nationally acclaimed call-in-radio program “Think,” and our speakers, “A Way with Words” radio co-hosts and language experts Martha Barnette & Grant Barrett, to present "Lead with Literacy!" This virtual fundraiser will provide direct support to Tarrant Literacy Coalition and 29 other nonprofits teaching thousands of Texans to read and write.
Other special guests for the evening include "What Would You Do?" host and San Antonio born John Quinones and WFAA's Cynthia Izaguirre.
Want to be a part of something big that will help the North Texas community and even the state as a whole?
Here's how YOU can lead with literacy:
1 ) Go to: bit.ly/TLC-leads or Literacy Texas's website
3) "Add" your $40 ticket
3) Select "Tarrant Literacy Coalition" as the Beneficiary - This is the most important part because we receive your entire donation that way, and your ticket purchase is completely tax deductible!
4) Complete registration
5) Join us for fun on April 22 @7pm!
We hope all of our supporters over the years can join us for this one-of-a-kind evening of entertainment and laughter to help eliminate a one-of-a-kind social issue plaguing our community - illiteracy.