One thing that our community's "new normal" has shown us is that there is a need, now more than ever, to secure economic stability, and those in the most need are turning to Tarrant Literacy Coalition for educational opportunities that will help them achieve that goal. It is truly a community effort and we hope that you will join us for a different kind of annual competition: Bids for a Brighter Community!
The auction will open up August 21st @ 7AM. We'll be doing a daily giveaway on Facebook Live for unique items not included in the auction - to enter, simply place a bid in that 24-hour window! And when the auction closes on August 28th at noon, we hope you'll join us for a Zoom "Happy Hour" where we'll celebrate everyone who has invested in a "Brighter Community!"
Here's How You Can Help!
Go to www.32auctions.com/2020TLC and create an account (it's free and easy)! You can start favoriting and sharing auction items NOW
Share the link with friends, family and anyone else who supports education and a brighter community. #BidsforaBrighterCommunity
Join us on August 28th at 4PM for a Zoom Happy Hour